Outlier Legacy eBook Daryl Banner

Outlier Legacy eBook Daryl Banner
I was wrong. About so many things. I had all these guesses about Legacies and how specific characters were connected/would connect. And dang, but I was wrong about every single one of them.Daryl has brought us an amazing part 2 with plot twists and excitement I didn't see coming. I still eagerly await part 3 and am honestly disheartened that there aren't many reviews for Outlier: Legacy. Please read this book and review it. Daryl probably won't write a 500+ page Outlier book 3 without more interest and I'm looking forward to the rollercoaster that awaits us in the next book.
Again, I happily paid full price for this book and will happily pay full price for the next. I received nothing for this review - my desire to leave a positive review was solely so that these books would get the attention they deserve.

Tags : Outlier: Legacy - Kindle edition by Daryl Banner. Download it once and read it on your Kindle device, PC, phones or tablets. Use features like bookmarks, note taking and highlighting while reading Outlier: Legacy.,ebook,Daryl Banner,Outlier: Legacy,Frozenfyre Publishing,Fiction Sagas,Fiction Science Fiction Steampunk
Outlier Legacy eBook Daryl Banner Reviews
I tried to come up with something, but can't think of even one notable problem in this amazing book. The flow and balance is near perfection. It’s fast paced, exciting, and the climb is intense. I loved every single second of it, even the parts that had me screaming “nooooooooo”... especially those parts! There is literally never a dull moment, yet I never felt overwhelmed, and I could not put it down (though I was forced to a couple times, doing so was torture).
I wish I could comment on parts of the actual story, and I’ve tried a couple different ways, but even the smallest, seemingly un-spoilery remarks felt like revealing too much. So, I’m just going to say READ IT!!! If you’ve read Rebellion you will get everything you wanted out of this book, and if you haven’t then you need to go do that RIGHT NOW and then read this one. Don’t let the size intimidate you... it goes by FAST, and when you turn the last page you’re going to be begging for more.
Whoa! I loved the first book, but this took it to epic levels. I guess it makes sense. The first book took you on a ride where we met characters and discovered their world. Now in this one that world is turned on its head.
It's so hard to write a spoiler free review. So I'll say that it's intriguing, sexy, profound and I'm excited where characters are going.
I love the way the POV characters feel in other people's chapters. It's something like dramatic irony. We understand them so much more than the person whose head we are in does.
I ended so many chapters in a place on intrigue and awe. Wick and Ruena's chapters drive the main plot, while Ellena, Rone, Forge, Halves, Link, and Athan return with amazing new twists and turns. Shocking but completely believable reveals. Mercy (Dran's girlfriend) is a new, fascinating, dark POV character. Id say she's a sympathetic villain. Kid is back in just a few chapters, but where she ends up is insane!
I can't wait for part 3!
This book starts off where the last left off. The Rebellion is strengthening, as the discontent of the slumborn grows.
Wick and the rest of Rain are making their move to infiltrate the Lifted City and return Cintha and Athan to the slums.
Ellena mourns the loss of Forge who is wasting away in the Keep, where we get a further peek into the terrible conditions its inhabitants endure.
Link is healing at the Brae, where he learns of the secrets of Baron's society, as well as discovering himself.
Mercy is on a mission to bring down the Banshee King and avenge her lover Dran.
Ruena is slated to become the next queen of Atlas, looking to bridge the gap between the Lifted City and the Lower City. But at her coronation chaos ensues, and the state of Atlas is forever changed.
Amidst all of the turmoil, Wick finally remembers a part of his past that he was forced to forget, ultimately leading to the discovery of his true legacy.
This book took me on an emotional rollercoaster throughout the entire book. There were feelings of true love, betrayal, loss, confusion, bliss and turmoil.
Some new characters were revealed, and we were allowed a deeper look into some of our favorite old characters. Every character has been written to enable the reader to relate to them, whether you love or hate them!
The storyline is wonderfully written and kept me captivated throughout. I cannot wait to see where this story goes!
Outlier Legacy is the second book in the series. It is very well written by Daryl Banner who knows how to keep his readers at the edge of their seat. He had me hooked in book one and I had to purchase book 2 and 3, and trust me it was no mistake. The web he weaves in this book is even more intricate than I could have imagined. It was a true roller coaster ride and my head is still spinning from it all. There are so many twists hidden within, so many secrets and only when the author is ready for you to know, will you find out what he wants you to know.
There are many different story lines to follow, each from the different characters perspective, which can make it a bit challenging at times, but you will have the hang of it soon. The author leaves you often with little cliff hangers and he knows how to use those well. There are quite a few surprises and many I did not see coming, come to think of it pretty much most of them. This book is definitely on the longer side so don't think you can read this in one sitting, even though you will try. The pace does not drag on nor do you feel rushed, even with those the parallel story lines going on. There are many characters you can't help but cheer for from both parts of the city, the lifted and the lower, and quite a few you can't wait to get what they deserve. There is so much going on that I have a tough time giving it the credit it is due, so what are you waiting for, get the book and start reading!
I was wrong. About so many things. I had all these guesses about Legacies and how specific characters were connected/would connect. And dang, but I was wrong about every single one of them.
Daryl has brought us an amazing part 2 with plot twists and excitement I didn't see coming. I still eagerly await part 3 and am honestly disheartened that there aren't many reviews for Outlier Legacy. Please read this book and review it. Daryl probably won't write a 500+ page Outlier book 3 without more interest and I'm looking forward to the rollercoaster that awaits us in the next book.
Again, I happily paid full price for this book and will happily pay full price for the next. I received nothing for this review - my desire to leave a positive review was solely so that these books would get the attention they deserve.

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