Intended for Evil A Survivor Story of Love Faith and Courage in the Cambodian Killing Fields Les Sillars 9780801009099 Books

Intended for Evil A Survivor Story of Love Faith and Courage in the Cambodian Killing Fields Les Sillars 9780801009099 Books
Being that I have lived and worked in Cambodia the past 17 years, I have read a number of survivor stories... but this one is amazing in how it describes that way God kept one man alive through the horrors of the murderous Khmer Rouge regime. This was a civil war and genocide which pitted the Khmer people against one another... creating hate, hopelessness, distrust and ending in the murder or deaths of almost 2 million people, making up one third of Cambodia's population. Seeing how God's hand in preserved the main character, and how he eventually made it to the West to tell his story is a tale worth reading. The author has done a lot of footwork to reveal the inner working of the hideous "Angka" organization of the Khmer Rouge and how it's genocide and internal purges created an almost unimaginable situation which the West only found out about later. Sillars may be no Grisham, but he does very well in unraveling the story and showing the character formation of the young man who found love and hope amidst the indescribable horror of life under the Khmer Rouge. You will understand so much more about Cambodia's Killing Fields after reading this engaging true story, and come to appreciate God's grace and providence even more.
Tags : Intended for Evil: A Survivor's Story of Love, Faith, and Courage in the Cambodian Killing Fields [Les Sillars] on *FREE* shipping on qualifying offers. <b>A True Story of Surviving Genocide and Forging a New Life<BR></b><BR>When the Khmer Rouge took Phnom Penh in 1975,Les Sillars,Intended for Evil: A Survivor's Story of Love, Faith, and Courage in the Cambodian Killing Fields,Baker Books,080100909X,Christian Life - Social Issues,Religious,Biographies,Cambodian Americans - Religion,Cambodian Americans;Religion.,Christian biography - Cambodia,Christian biography - United States,Christian biography;Cambodia.,Christian biography;United States.,Manickam, Radha,BIOGRAPHY & AUTOBIOGRAPHY Religious,BIOGRAPHY AND AUTOBIOGRAPHY,Biography,Biography & Autobiography,Biography Autobiography,BiographyAutobiography,CHRISTIAN LIFE,Cambodia,General Adult,Les Sillars; Intended for Evil; WORLD magazine; Cambodian genocide; killing fields; Cambodia; persecution; Khmer Rouge; persecuted Christians; persecuted church; Patrick Henry College; biography; journalist; Radha Manickam; Phnom Penh; The Killing Fields,Non-Fiction,RELIGION Christian Life Social Issues,ReligionChristian Living - Social Issues,TEXT,United States,BiographyAutobiography
Intended for Evil A Survivor Story of Love Faith and Courage in the Cambodian Killing Fields Les Sillars 9780801009099 Books Reviews
A must read.
Totally worth the purchase.
Great book!
This is a moving and horrifying account of someone who lived through the Killing Fields of the Khmer Rouge in Cambodia, managing to hold on to his faith in Jesus. He survived and eventually escaped to the U.S. but went back to help his country. It is an object lesson in how destructive of human values and even of life itself a dictatorship, under the guise of equalizing all people, can ultimately be. Ideology gone amuck.
I not only have read the book but, have personally heard a good part of his story, long before publishing came out with it, when we were in Cambodia together in 2004.
His heart for God and the Cambodian people, are as genuine as anyone could be.
If it were me, back then in that time of brutality, I would have never survived like he did.
Since the reading of this book, I encountered an individual that was part of a secret U.S. Special Ops Team into Cambodia, that had special orders to wipe out the Khmer Rouge, because of the evilness that they instilled on their own people.
The places and acts described in the book, were a stunning remembrance, for the individual of that Special Ops team into Cambodia
I have visited a few of the places that Radha Manickam describes in his book, they are scenes of horror.
To have anyone survive what He and Samen went through, is nothing short of God’s grace, trust me on that!
Well written, riveting account of Pol Pot's monstrous Communist "purge" of Cambodia in the 1970's. Despite being a difficult read, given the heinous atrocities comitted by "true believers" of Communism (and Socialism), it is a compelling and rewarding story. It is relevant, too we now have a Socialist Party (formerly "Democrat") and 2 Socialists actually ran for the presidency! Not to mention, we have lived under the rule of soft tyranny by the Obama administration, which drew it's motivation from Socialism. This book is, among many very valuable things, a sobering wake up call, especially for 16 to 35 year olds.
Our private world so often revolves around working hard and collecting a paycheck, taking our kids to ball games, eating out with friends, playing with the grandkids, or any number of activities that bring us joy and a little bit of sorrow at times . . . "momentary light afflictions." Les Sillars has reminded us, however, in his powerful recalling of the dark days of Cambodia's "killing fields" that evil abounds and man's inhumanity to man can rear its ugly head anywhere and anytime and alter the course of human history. Intended for Evil is also a book, though, that reminds us that the sovereign God of the universe is not handcuffed by evil and that somehow and in miraculous ways, He fulfills His good purposes in HIs good time. It is also a book that makes the reader long for the promised day when God will "wipe away every tear and there will no longer be any death, mourning, crying or pain" (Revelations 214). Read it with a sense of sorrow; read it with hope. But definitely read it!
Being that I have lived and worked in Cambodia the past 17 years, I have read a number of survivor stories... but this one is amazing in how it describes that way God kept one man alive through the horrors of the murderous Khmer Rouge regime. This was a civil war and genocide which pitted the Khmer people against one another... creating hate, hopelessness, distrust and ending in the murder or deaths of almost 2 million people, making up one third of Cambodia's population. Seeing how God's hand in preserved the main character, and how he eventually made it to the West to tell his story is a tale worth reading. The author has done a lot of footwork to reveal the inner working of the hideous "Angka" organization of the Khmer Rouge and how it's genocide and internal purges created an almost unimaginable situation which the West only found out about later. Sillars may be no Grisham, but he does very well in unraveling the story and showing the character formation of the young man who found love and hope amidst the indescribable horror of life under the Khmer Rouge. You will understand so much more about Cambodia's Killing Fields after reading this engaging true story, and come to appreciate God's grace and providence even more.

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