King of Me The King Trilogy Book 3 edition by Mimi Jean Pamfiloff Literature Fiction eBooks

King of Me The King Trilogy Book 3 edition by Mimi Jean Pamfiloff Literature Fiction eBooks
Now being the Dr. Who fan that I am I'm going to quote one of my favorite companions, "Spoilers". First, I love this trilogy. Through out the who series I didn't know whether to love or hate King but something about him didn't seem as evil as Mia was making him it to be. I didn't want to believe it. Then you throw me for a loop with the while time traveling thing!! (Spoilers) I loved it and hated it at the same time. For one, how can she travel back in time and change so much? Won't the early death of Helena change a lot more than just who actually cursed King. What about the diary? The diary was a huge key factor in Mia and King's life. If Helena didn't write the diary who did? If King's brother wasn't in love with Helena and King didn't kill him in the end, then how was Mack alive in the future? There are to many questions and too many scenarios that makes the whole time travel thing a complete paradox!!! Again, I'm a huge Dr. Who fan do I went really in depth with that. That's the only reason I couldn't give it the five stars it deserved because other than that, I loved it!!!
Tags : King of Me (The King Trilogy, Book 3) - Kindle edition by Mimi Jean Pamfiloff. Download it once and read it on your Kindle device, PC, phones or tablets. Use features like bookmarks, note taking and highlighting while reading King of Me (The King Trilogy, Book 3).,ebook,Mimi Jean Pamfiloff,King of Me (The King Trilogy, Book 3),P&S, Inc.,FICTION Romance Fantasy,FICTION Romance Paranormal
King of Me The King Trilogy Book 3 edition by Mimi Jean Pamfiloff Literature Fiction eBooks Reviews
I have a flaw... I admit it! I seldom read fantasy books. They don't really call out to me. I was spoiled by Anne Rice and JD Robb and don't veer that way in my every day reading. Occasionally, and very sparingly, I will read a blurb and something about it will resonate with me, and I will take the plunge. This is one of those few exceptions.
This book was AMAZING! It hooked me to the point I went ahead and bought the rest of the trilogy because I needed to read about King until the very end.
I could see the influence of Anne Rice in the writing and the plotline... but this is a very unique approach and style strictly Mimi's. Her characters live and breathe and exert their magic spell on us as we hunger for more details. Mia is a gutsy modern day woman whose bravado keeps getting her in trouble. Her quick thinking and problem solving abilities get her out of scrapes she inadvertently steps into. Her attraction and rejection of King keeps her on her toes, as she digs deeper to save her brother and herself.
Erotically thrilling, this trilogy is so much more. Get the three books (all available now) and just read them all in a row. Believe me, once you get a taste of this story, you will not want to put it down until all is resolved.
OK, I liked this book all the way up until about 82% on my kindle. The rest of it you could’ve skipped right to the epilogue. What happened between 82% and the epilogue was just not needed. There were a lot twists and turns to that point, most were good. Some a little confusing and out if context. As an artist sometimes you need to back away from the art, before it becomes a jumbled mess. I had thoroughly enjoyed this book series up until that point. Also, the definition of thrilogy is 3 books or stories usually, so I was confused when it said “to be continued” at the end. Overall, I really enjoyed this series. I would just have enjoyed it more if had ended at it’s natural conclusion point.
There had to be a conclusion, but I am not satisfied.... I appreciate the all around redemption but it all came across a bit flat.... I am admittedly curious about Mack, but not enough to buy another novel in this series. Im happy that King got his happy ending.
Book Review- King of Me by Mimi Jean Pamfiloff
King has made Miss Turner, aka Mia, a deal. She will help break his curse and he will use the artifact to bring back her murdered brother. However in order to be successful she has to fall in love with King. She doesn’t trust the ghost, how is she supposed to love him? She knows he has some ulterior motive but she doesn’t know what yet.
When Mack warns her away from King and gives her a bracelet to hide with, she decides she can’t leave. She needs to save her family and bring back her brother. Mack worries about her but has to finish what he started and disappear.
King wants Mia to get to know him, so a night alone is planned. Once there King doesn’t act like himself. He turns evil and ties Mia up. She fears for her life. She doesn’t understand why he is doing this.
The next things she knows she is swimming naked in the ocean. She has no clue how she got there or exactly where there is. She ends up meeting King before he was cursed. Mia is shocked. How did she get there? She is determined to change history to save King. She can’t stand what he has become.
However things don’t go as she plans. She is forced to do what she swore she wouldn’t do. She travels forward in time and sees what is happening to King. She is shocked as the violence he now practices. She still has no idea what she is going to do in the end but her feelings for King has definitely changed as she understands how things happened. She has to make it back and find a way to save them both.
This is the last book in the King Trilogy. I have loved the journey. I loved how Mia and King met in the first book. It was a fascinating partnership that involved into a love-hate relationship. King is such a mysterious, twisted character and he drove Mia nuts. There was always sexual tension. In this third book you learn why. They were meant to be together explaining why and how they were brought together.
Mack also plays more of a role in the past than I thought giving it a cool twist. It brought everything full circle. The ending was awesome after making it through the bumpy parts.
I hated what King turned into by this third book. His evil side made an appearance with a vengeance. I did not like seeing him like that. I liked his character too much to see him lowered to that level. I’m glad the author flashed to the past when she did. It was an interesting story with time traveling and mysterious revealed. I am sad to see it end but it ended on sigh worthy note. I give it a 4 out of 5.
An uneven trilogy comes to a bumpy ending in this book. The author, not content with her mash of D/s and fantasy, throws in time travel and lots of sex, then reverts to straight Romanceland. Mia, the uninteresting heroine who is a Seer of Light, is caught between King, a corporeal ghost of an ancient Greek ruler, Justin, her beloved brother who may or may not have gone over to the Dark Side, and Vaughn, the epitome of phlegmy evil. King's personality, previously somewhat balanced, goes off the rails. Throw in living heads in mason jars, assorted torture, lots of blood, and you have...what? I hardly know. This was readable, but annoying.
Now being the Dr. Who fan that I am I'm going to quote one of my favorite companions, "Spoilers". First, I love this trilogy. Through out the who series I didn't know whether to love or hate King but something about him didn't seem as evil as Mia was making him it to be. I didn't want to believe it. Then you throw me for a loop with the while time traveling thing!! (Spoilers) I loved it and hated it at the same time. For one, how can she travel back in time and change so much? Won't the early death of Helena change a lot more than just who actually cursed King. What about the diary? The diary was a huge key factor in Mia and King's life. If Helena didn't write the diary who did? If King's brother wasn't in love with Helena and King didn't kill him in the end, then how was Mack alive in the future? There are to many questions and too many scenarios that makes the whole time travel thing a complete paradox!!! Again, I'm a huge Dr. Who fan do I went really in depth with that. That's the only reason I couldn't give it the five stars it deserved because other than that, I loved it!!!

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