The Ultimate IFTTT Guide Use The Web Most Powerful Tool Like A Pro eBook Albert Martinez Justin Pot Angela Alcorn

If you want to automate your online life somewhat, look no further than IFTTT. IFTTT is an automation that will enable you to connect two services so that, when something happens with one service, a trigger goes off and an action takes place automatically on the other.
Albert Martinez has written this guide to cover everything you need to know about IFTTT, including what it is, how it works, and some of the most useful things you can do with it. It's everything you could possibly need to know in order to get started with IFTTT.
You'll learn about
- What Channels and Recipes are.
- How to make your own Recipes and use pre-made Recipes.
- Recipes most people love.
- Recipes for Money, Relationships and Parents.
- Recipes for Job Hunters and Professionals.
- Recipes for your Social Life, Music and Photography.
- Recipes for Tech Lovers and News Junkies.
The Ultimate IFTTT Guide Use The Web Most Powerful Tool Like A Pro eBook Albert Martinez Justin Pot Angela Alcorn
There is nothing wrong with this book as far as it goes, but it certainly doesn't go very far. Expect a brief overview of the service, and a lot of listings of recipes from the site. If you want to do a lot of pedestrian web service actions automatically, then this book may suffice.On the other hand, if your goal is other types of automation, I would look elsewhere. I was hoping for detailed coverage of integrating products like Belkin Wemo, Phillips Hue, and perhaps even homebrew hardware. For example, I have seen substantial delays in executing recipes involving my Wemo hardware - sometimes as long as three minutes, making IFTTT unsuitable for many tasks. It would also be nice to know that the IFTTT privacy policy contradicts itself, first stating that they don't sell or rent your personal information, but later stating that they may choose to sell your personal information. Since the iPhone and Android IFTTT apps collect a lot of personal information, that would be good to mention in the book too. Unfortunately, this book is too lightweight and technically shallow for covering any of these topics.
I note that the book appeared to contain some web links, but on my Internet connected Kindle Fire HDX they seem to be non-functional.
Finally, I'm not big on reviews which complain that a book is just a rehash of what is readily available on the web. First, because nearly everything is available on the web, and by that logic we should cease publication of non-fiction books. Second, because books provide not only a convenience, but if well written, a coherent and intimate form of communication well suited to contemplative learning. That said, I did not feel that I derived anything from this book that I would not have achieved almost as readily by spending the same amount of time perusing the IFTTT site.
Overall, I would characterize this slender tome as a swing and a miss. Save your dollar for a cheap cigar.
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Tags : The Ultimate IFTTT Guide: Use The Web's Most Powerful Tool Like A Pro eBook: Albert Martinez, Justin Pot, Angela Alcorn: Kindle Store,ebook,Albert Martinez, Justin Pot, Angela Alcorn,The Ultimate IFTTT Guide: Use The Web's Most Powerful Tool Like A Pro,COMPUTERS Internet General,COMPUTERS Web Social Networking
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The Ultimate IFTTT Guide Use The Web Most Powerful Tool Like A Pro eBook Albert Martinez Justin Pot Angela Alcorn Reviews
Couldn't make any sense of this bk. Nothing looks like what I see on the ifttt site.
I see the potential with IFTTT but would like to see more capabilities like or LinkedIn. Pretty cool. Like to see more /BlacKBerry capabilities.
I am greatful for the detailed explainations on how to create a recipe on IFTTT. This also presented some tips I never thought of, which helped improve my productivity.
I'm brand new to IFTTT yet this still failed to tell me anything I hadn't already found in a few quick Google searches.
Good reading for anyone using IFTTT. NOT A POWER GUIDE.
As others mentioned, it's simple and not going to teach , but point and click through social media....that's it. I won't cast a doubt on the time and energy it takes to publish something like this.. but I do reserve and revere the word Ultimate,,,,that was overlooked here.
First a caveat in that I'm am increasingly disappointed in "technical" mini-books. This consists mainly of a compendium of IFTTT recipes which are easily found on the web and likely more up to date. If you're not very techno literate then I think this book lacks in terms of helping you work out why you should use IFTTT; if you are techno literate, like me, then I'd like to see more background and ideas as to how to really exploit IFTTT.
There is nothing wrong with this book as far as it goes, but it certainly doesn't go very far. Expect a brief overview of the service, and a lot of listings of recipes from the site. If you want to do a lot of pedestrian web service actions automatically, then this book may suffice.
On the other hand, if your goal is other types of automation, I would look elsewhere. I was hoping for detailed coverage of integrating products like Belkin Wemo, Phillips Hue, and perhaps even homebrew hardware. For example, I have seen substantial delays in executing recipes involving my Wemo hardware - sometimes as long as three minutes, making IFTTT unsuitable for many tasks. It would also be nice to know that the IFTTT privacy policy contradicts itself, first stating that they don't sell or rent your personal information, but later stating that they may choose to sell your personal information. Since the iPhone and Android IFTTT apps collect a lot of personal information, that would be good to mention in the book too. Unfortunately, this book is too lightweight and technically shallow for covering any of these topics.
I note that the book appeared to contain some web links, but on my Internet connected Fire HDX they seem to be non-functional.
Finally, I'm not big on reviews which complain that a book is just a rehash of what is readily available on the web. First, because nearly everything is available on the web, and by that logic we should cease publication of non-fiction books. Second, because books provide not only a convenience, but if well written, a coherent and intimate form of communication well suited to contemplative learning. That said, I did not feel that I derived anything from this book that I would not have achieved almost as readily by spending the same amount of time perusing the IFTTT site.
Overall, I would characterize this slender tome as a swing and a miss. Save your dollar for a cheap cigar.

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