Origin A Lux Novel Jennifer L Armentrout Books

Origin A Lux Novel Jennifer L Armentrout Books
At A GlanceOrigin is the best book of the Lux series so far.
The Good
For some reason, even though I loved this book, I am having trouble writing this review. So I think I will just ramble and see what I come up with instead of pointing out certain things like I usually do.
I am walking away from this book so damn excited that I got to read Daemon’s POV (it was a dual POV with Katy as well). As a girl, I always want to know what a guy is thinking, so getting Daemon’s true feelings for Katy was amazetastic (oh yeah, I just made up a new word. Spread it around, my minions! ;) And, boy, does Daemon have some strong feelings.
Origin starts off close to when Opal ended. Daemon wakes up to people trying to keep him from saving Katy from their enemies’ clutches. Not because they don’t love Katy, they just don’t want Daemon to get hurt. Daemon is having none of that sh*t. He goes out guns blazing to save the girl he loves. He will do ANYTHING to save Katy, and he proves this by doing just that. There are casualties along the way, but nothing will stop Daemon from this mission. He is a man possessed, possessed with love and determination. Daemon makes my ovaries all tingly in this book (oh yeah, I just said that). I can’t help but want what Katy has. Daemon has no limits when it comes to Katy’s safety, and my weird brain thinks that’s romantic.
Katy handled her situation pretty well. I loved that she both played along and rebelled against her captures. Though I wish she wasn’t so easily manipulated, I still loved her determination. Daemon was her rock though. When they finally see each other again, Daemon keeps them going, keeps them hopeful for survival and a future even when the road ahead of them seems bleak.
I loved the new character Archer. He is the strong, handsome, but deadly type. You never know what he is thinking or who’s team he is on, but deep down you feel like he is a good guy. I want to see more of him.
The action was great. The story was amazing because so much happened that nothing can ever be the same, no going back to a normal life for these aliens and their friends. There is a cliffhanger ending, but I am use to it by now, so it didn’t bother me.
The Bad
There isn’t really anything bad about this book I can point out, I just didn’t feel it was quite 5 star worthy. Other books have excited me more, other books have made me feel more for the characters. Know what I mean?
Okay, wait, I just thought of something I didn’t like. I don’t mind when characters are killed off, I actually liked it sometimes because it causes so much drama. But Armentrout killed off characters in Origin like it was going out of style. It was a freaking free for all. I didn’t see a point to all those deaths one after another.
The Snuggly
Katy and Daemon have taken their relationship to a whole other level in Origin. I really truly feel their love is impenetrable. I loved getting Daemon’s POV on their relationship. These two love each other so much it almost hurts to read about.
The sex is young adult but still satisfying for older readers. I love how Daemon makes it so fun and playful.
Final Thoughts
I would highly recommend Origin. If you love the Lux series then you are going to love this book. Be ready for changes though. A lot happened in this book and it might upset some people, but it will excite a lot of people. Highly recommended.
“So I was thinking, there’re eighty-six thousand, four hundred seconds in a day, right? There’re one thousand, four hundred and forty minutes in a day…There’re one hundred and sixty-eight hours in a week. Around eighty-seven hundred and then some hours in a year, and you know what?…I want to spend every second, every minute, every hour with you…I want a year’s worth of seconds and minutes with you. I want a decade’s worth of hours, so many that I can’t add them up.”
“As close as you’re riding me, man, I feel like I need to take you out to dinner or something. At least, I should get your name.” He punched in a floor number, smirking.
“People call me Archer.”
“I want to get to know every freckle and every curve on a personal level.”
“I think you did that last night.”
“Nah.” He shook his head. “That was just a meet and greet. I want to know their hopes and dreams.”
“A certain bone-deep understanding occurred and my hand tightened around the smaller one I held. It weren’t stars we were staring at. The sky was falling.”

Tags : Amazon.com: Origin (A Lux Novel) (9781622660759): Jennifer L. Armentrout: Books,Jennifer L. Armentrout,Origin (A Lux Novel),Entangled: Teen,1622660757,Paranormal, Occult & Supernatural,Romance - General,Extraterrestrial beings;Fiction.,Human-alien encounters,Love,Love stories,Science fiction,Science fiction.,Secrecy,Secrets,Survival,Teenage girls,West Virginia;Fiction.,103702 Entangled Teen Distribution,Action & Adventure - General,Children: Young Adult (Gr. 10-12),Extraterrestrial beings,Fantasy & magical realism (Children's Teenage),Fiction,Fiction-Romance,JUVENILE,JUVENILE FICTION Science Fiction General,Juvenile Fiction,Juvenile FictionAction & Adventure - General,Juvenile FictionLove & Romance,Juvenile Grades 10-12 Ages 15+,Love,Love & Romance,Love stories,Monograph Series, any,Paranormal, Occult & Supernatural,Romance - General,Science fiction,Science fiction.,Secrecy,Secrets,Survival,TEEN'S FICTION FANTASY,TEEN'S FICTION ROMANCE,Teenage girls,United States,West Virginia;Fiction.,YOUNG ADULT FICTION,YOUNG ADULT FICTION Paranormal, Occult & Supernatural,YOUNG ADULT FICTION Romance General,Action & Adventure - General,JUVENILE FICTION Science Fiction General,Juvenile FictionAction & Adventure - General,Juvenile FictionLove & Romance,Love & Romance,YOUNG ADULT FICTION Paranormal, Occult & Supernatural,YOUNG ADULT FICTION Romance General,Extraterrestrial beings,Fiction,YOUNG ADULT FICTION,Children: Young Adult (Gr. 10-12),Fantasy & magical realism (Children's Teenage)
Origin A Lux Novel Jennifer L Armentrout Books Reviews
Origin by Jennifer L. Armentrout is the fourth installment in the Lux series. The books between Obsidian and Origin had felt like filler. Not really adding much to the plot, just extending time with the characters, which in all honesty I was fine with. Sometimes it’s nice to spend time delving into characters’ relationships instead of focusing on a wowing plot line. But that all changed in this installment. Origin not only contained the furthering development of these characters’ relationships, but an interesting plot and resolution. It was the first book since Obsidian that was fun to read all the way through.
I loved some of things that happened in this book, but I can’t say them exactly without revealing spoilers. However, I will say if you love Katy and Daemon’s relationship than you will be extremely happy with them in this book.
Also this is the first installment to contain dual perspectives between Katy and Daemon and I was surprised to find that I actually enjoyed this change. I have always been a fan of dual perspectives, but I usually don’t like them when it randomly appears later on in a series. However, I understood the need for the dual perspectives in this book. If they didn’t have it, there wouldn’t be enough of Daemon in the book, which in all honesty is the reason we readers enjoy this series so much.
Of course this one ended on a cliff hanger and I now have to wait to get the final installment “Opposition.” Aw shucks, I hope it has a good ending. Final installments are always the scariest.
If you thought this series was going to get less intense...you've obviously lost your freaking mind.
It's so hard to put down all of my thoughts and feelings about this book.
Let's start with the relationship between Kat and Daemon. Good grief...if it burns any hotter I'll be a pile of ash when this series is over. With every page you turn, their love grows stronger and their passion is always like tinder, just waiting for the right spark to combust into a full throttle fire. But, what this book really portrayed was a depth to their love that is so unbreakable, so consuming, so selfless, that I was completely captivated by it. Daemon shows a side of himself that is raw and powerful and it has everything to do with his need to protect Kat. And, Kat...what a badass! I mean, I knew she was strong and capable, but the horrors that she has to endure during this book are unimaginable. The comparison of the way that it shapes Kat and Daemon versus how Beth and Dawson fared is blinding.
As for the plot and overall storyline. Brilliant. Absolutely freaking brilliant. This book is chock full and it never stops moving or throwing curves at you. It's incredibly complex. The web of intrigue, the action, the love, it's all part of an all consuming book that you won't be able to put down. I am always impressed with this author. ALWAYS. But this book, wow, I am blown away at er creativity, her ability to tell a tale, and the way that she makes it easy for the reader to navigate through the twists, turns, and layers upon layers, of story elements and characters. I was never confused, rather I was always eagerly soaking up every detail to help me unravel the mysteries.
If you're surprised to find out there is a massive, huge, unbelievable, incredible, insane, cliffhanger...you obviously haven't read the there books in the series. I hate reading a book with a cliffhanger when the next book hasn't released yet, but with Jennifer L. Armentrout, it's worth it. Every single time. If you haven't read this, you are missing out on an amazing experience.
At A Glance
Origin is the best book of the Lux series so far.
The Good
For some reason, even though I loved this book, I am having trouble writing this review. So I think I will just ramble and see what I come up with instead of pointing out certain things like I usually do.
I am walking away from this book so damn excited that I got to read Daemon’s POV (it was a dual POV with Katy as well). As a girl, I always want to know what a guy is thinking, so getting Daemon’s true feelings for Katy was amazetastic (oh yeah, I just made up a new word. Spread it around, my minions! ;) And, boy, does Daemon have some strong feelings.
Origin starts off close to when Opal ended. Daemon wakes up to people trying to keep him from saving Katy from their enemies’ clutches. Not because they don’t love Katy, they just don’t want Daemon to get hurt. Daemon is having none of that sh*t. He goes out guns blazing to save the girl he loves. He will do ANYTHING to save Katy, and he proves this by doing just that. There are casualties along the way, but nothing will stop Daemon from this mission. He is a man possessed, possessed with love and determination. Daemon makes my ovaries all tingly in this book (oh yeah, I just said that). I can’t help but want what Katy has. Daemon has no limits when it comes to Katy’s safety, and my weird brain thinks that’s romantic.
Katy handled her situation pretty well. I loved that she both played along and rebelled against her captures. Though I wish she wasn’t so easily manipulated, I still loved her determination. Daemon was her rock though. When they finally see each other again, Daemon keeps them going, keeps them hopeful for survival and a future even when the road ahead of them seems bleak.
I loved the new character Archer. He is the strong, handsome, but deadly type. You never know what he is thinking or who’s team he is on, but deep down you feel like he is a good guy. I want to see more of him.
The action was great. The story was amazing because so much happened that nothing can ever be the same, no going back to a normal life for these aliens and their friends. There is a cliffhanger ending, but I am use to it by now, so it didn’t bother me.
The Bad
There isn’t really anything bad about this book I can point out, I just didn’t feel it was quite 5 star worthy. Other books have excited me more, other books have made me feel more for the characters. Know what I mean?
Okay, wait, I just thought of something I didn’t like. I don’t mind when characters are killed off, I actually liked it sometimes because it causes so much drama. But Armentrout killed off characters in Origin like it was going out of style. It was a freaking free for all. I didn’t see a point to all those deaths one after another.
The Snuggly
Katy and Daemon have taken their relationship to a whole other level in Origin. I really truly feel their love is impenetrable. I loved getting Daemon’s POV on their relationship. These two love each other so much it almost hurts to read about.
The sex is young adult but still satisfying for older readers. I love how Daemon makes it so fun and playful.
Final Thoughts
I would highly recommend Origin. If you love the Lux series then you are going to love this book. Be ready for changes though. A lot happened in this book and it might upset some people, but it will excite a lot of people. Highly recommended.
“So I was thinking, there’re eighty-six thousand, four hundred seconds in a day, right? There’re one thousand, four hundred and forty minutes in a day…There’re one hundred and sixty-eight hours in a week. Around eighty-seven hundred and then some hours in a year, and you know what?…I want to spend every second, every minute, every hour with you…I want a year’s worth of seconds and minutes with you. I want a decade’s worth of hours, so many that I can’t add them up.”
“As close as you’re riding me, man, I feel like I need to take you out to dinner or something. At least, I should get your name.” He punched in a floor number, smirking.
“People call me Archer.”
“I want to get to know every freckle and every curve on a personal level.”
“I think you did that last night.”
“Nah.” He shook his head. “That was just a meet and greet. I want to know their hopes and dreams.”
“A certain bone-deep understanding occurred and my hand tightened around the smaller one I held. It weren’t stars we were staring at. The sky was falling.”

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