New England Witch Chronicles edition by Chelsea Luna Children eBooks

New England Witch Chronicles edition by Chelsea Luna Children eBooks
If I'd read the actual reviews of this book, instead of just the star rating, I would have skipped buying this book. But I didn't and I read it so, here you go.I finished the book yesterday, and when I sat down to write this review couldn't remember enough about it until I went and re-read a synopsis someone else wrote. So that tells you right there that it was not memorable in any way. What I did remember is I finished the book thinking "This would make a perfect CW show," and "that show would probably get cancelled." If you like the Secret Circle and Vampire Diaries and a lot of teenage drama this may be a good fit for you. If you like strong and consistent characters, an engaging plot, and even pacing this is not the book for you. The book ended in a bit of a cliff hanger (a cheap trick I generally dislike). Did I care? No. That was really the issue with the whole book. It did not engage me enough that I cared about any of the characters at all. The main character was the stereotypical 'poor little rich girl' with problem parents, her 'best friend' wants to jump her bones (and she his), and she seems incapable of staying mad at another boy who constantly abuses her, and there is no effective parental supervision. Oy. The author's actual writing is about on par with Twilight, though I enjoyed those books (except the last) DESPITE the writing. So that's not a compliment.
I like a lot of good YA and new adult fiction. This was not good. Or original. Or interesting enough to warrant me giving the author a second chance. So, two stars is as high as I can rate it.
My star ratings explained:
1 star: So bad I couldn't finish, or had to skip ahead to the end book just to end the torment.
2 stars: Finished the book, but it was so flawed that I will not be reading another book by the author.
3 stars: The books flaws prevented me from fully enjoying the story, but it was still strong enough that I may try the author again.
4 stars: Book has a few flaws but I enjoyed the book overall despite them and I would happily read the author again.
5 stars: Book has no flaws or minor flaws that did not detract from my enjoyment at all, and I would absolutely read the author again.

Tags : New England Witch Chronicles - Kindle edition by Chelsea Luna. Download it once and read it on your Kindle device, PC, phones or tablets. Use features like bookmarks, note taking and highlighting while reading New England Witch Chronicles.,ebook,Chelsea Luna,New England Witch Chronicles,Chelsea Luna,Juvenile Fiction Paranormal,Fiction Fantasy Paranormal
New England Witch Chronicles edition by Chelsea Luna Children eBooks Reviews
"This book was amazingly good! I downloaded it for free during a promotion as a change of pace from my other reading, not realizing that it was more of a young adult novel, and was immediately impressed by how well written and edited it was! It was certainly on a par with anything I've read by more well known writers.
Alexandria Ramsey is a junior at the exclusive Hawthorne Prep school in Hazel Cove, Massachusetts, and just a few days away from her 17th birthday. When another young girl in town goes missing, Alexandria has a disturbing dream in which she relives the girl's final moments. She thinks it's just a dream, until the girl is found dead and no one will give the details of how she died. At school, she gets into trouble with a new student there, James, and when the principal picks up the phone to call Alex's father, Victor, Alex becomes angry, wind whips into the office and the principal suddenly collapses with a heart attack. Other strange things begin to happen around Alex when she is angry or frightened, and while she doesn't want to believe it, her grandmother tells her that she comes from a long line of witches and that there have also always been those who seek them out to destroy them. With the help of her best friend Peter, Alex begins to unravel the truth behind the murder of the young girl, her family's chauffeur, and her strange powers.
This was the first book of a series, and I definitely want to read the next.
The New England Witch Chronicles, Book One is a tasty little confection about a girl who discovers that she's a witch and that there are still people who hunt them. One of my favorite things about the book is that it takes its time to tell the story, giving us a chance tho get to know our heroine, Alex, and the important people in her life. We get to see her as the normal girl she's always been hanging out with her friends, going to school, coping with a father who's emotionally distant and sometimes borderline abusive (verbally, not sexually) and an ineffective and alcoholic mother, and - of course, given that this is a YA novel - falling in love,
The author,Chelsea Bellingeri, does a nice job with creating relationships that feel more realistic than I've seen in many books. The romance develops at a nice pace and avoid that kind of over-the-top grand destined soulmates that often feels so forced - especially when dealing with teenagers.
As for the paranormal aspect of the story, Bellingeri allows that to develop slowly. Alex starts having nightmares and noticed some odd things that happen when she's upset, but she doesn't really start thinking about possible supernatural explanations until well over half-way through the book. Yet the story never feels like it's dragging. I found it to be very comfortably paced and I like that the story has a solid foundation for it to build on over the rest of the series.
Bellingeri also has a nicely evocative way with scene-setting. At one point, Alex goes through a tunnel which is smaller than shed like and makes her uneasy. Bellingeri describes the sensation of what Alex was experiencing so clearly that I started feeling claustrophobic myself.
The book has almost no bad language or sexual content - -aside from a few kisses - and while there are several fist-fights and a few deaths, the descriptions are not overly graphic. I would consider it ok for audiences of about 14 and older.
If I'd read the actual reviews of this book, instead of just the star rating, I would have skipped buying this book. But I didn't and I read it so, here you go.
I finished the book yesterday, and when I sat down to write this review couldn't remember enough about it until I went and re-read a synopsis someone else wrote. So that tells you right there that it was not memorable in any way. What I did remember is I finished the book thinking "This would make a perfect CW show," and "that show would probably get cancelled." If you like the Secret Circle and Vampire Diaries and a lot of teenage drama this may be a good fit for you. If you like strong and consistent characters, an engaging plot, and even pacing this is not the book for you. The book ended in a bit of a cliff hanger (a cheap trick I generally dislike). Did I care? No. That was really the issue with the whole book. It did not engage me enough that I cared about any of the characters at all. The main character was the stereotypical 'poor little rich girl' with problem parents, her 'best friend' wants to jump her bones (and she his), and she seems incapable of staying mad at another boy who constantly abuses her, and there is no effective parental supervision. Oy. The author's actual writing is about on par with Twilight, though I enjoyed those books (except the last) DESPITE the writing. So that's not a compliment.
I like a lot of good YA and new adult fiction. This was not good. Or original. Or interesting enough to warrant me giving the author a second chance. So, two stars is as high as I can rate it.
My star ratings explained
1 star So bad I couldn't finish, or had to skip ahead to the end book just to end the torment.
2 stars Finished the book, but it was so flawed that I will not be reading another book by the author.
3 stars The books flaws prevented me from fully enjoying the story, but it was still strong enough that I may try the author again.
4 stars Book has a few flaws but I enjoyed the book overall despite them and I would happily read the author again.
5 stars Book has no flaws or minor flaws that did not detract from my enjoyment at all, and I would absolutely read the author again.

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